Systematic literature search on a topic in critical care medicine and a critical assessment of the scientific quality of the relevant literature identified.

ASSIGNMENT: SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE SEARCH AND CRITICAL APPRAISAL Systematic literature search on a topic in critical care medicine and a critical assessment of the scientific quality of the relevant literature identified. Examples topics prone position ventilation for acute lung injury. A review would typically be restricted to randomised critically adult humans over a recent time period 5-10 years. A full systematic review or statistical meta-analysis is not required – a well-described systematic search strategy and quality assessment of selected studies with a short summary will be sufficient. For the purposes of this assignment searches to be restricted to PubMed only. If you are confronted by too many potential citations narrow your question or timescale (ie over last 5 years) I need 2000 words without count table flowchart and references. I want 15 references that 15 studies you have selected. I want Harvard style. I want 1 flow chart from your own manner please you avoid adaptive from resources and 2 table also your own manner idea. I will upload the write sample in my order to take the idea from it. You strictly follow this MARKING SCHEME -Identify appropriate topic= I selected prone position ventilation for acute lung injury. -Clearly describe inclusion and exclusion criteria -Identify search terms including use of MESH headings -Describe papers identified in search strategy and their exclusion/inclusion in a flow diagram -Evaluate the quality of the final sections of papers in a table using a quality checklist or risk of bias scoring system -Briefly summarise the findings -Quality scoring: you must use Cochrane Risk of Bias Tools (very comprehensive) A revised tool for assessing risk of bias in randomized trials (ROB 2) this website you don’t have to explain disease or treatment, you have to pick 15 to 20 studies and then you have focused on their good or bad points, like study population, any criteria for recruitment, what type of intervention they have used, inclusion and exclusion criteria. Please I want this heading to talk about and if there is any heading you might be seen it important in this assignment no problem to add but you have to follow all MARKING SCHEME and all information in this paper. Heading: -Background: Description of the condition, description of the intervention, how prone position might work, important of this review. -Introduction. – Identify search terms including use of MESH headings -Methodology: -Inclusion/exclusion criteria: Type of studies, type of participants, type of intervention, types of outcomes. -Search methods for identification of studies -Results: results of search, inclusion/ exclusion flow chart you must do your own flow chart don’t adaptive it from any resources. -papers identified: included studies, excluded studies. -quality of evidence: incomplete outcome data, potential bias. – Quality scoring: you must use Cochrane Risk of Bias Tools – Evaluate the quality of the final sections of papers in a table using a quality checklist or risk of bias scoring system – Table for Quality checklist included all 15 studies that I want inside table write about Authors, journal name/ WGU library, year of publication, study design, sample size, risk of bias, inconsistency, imprecision, other factors, quality (high, moderate, low, very low, results/author’s suggested conclusions. – table include PICO for all 15 studies. – Findings: primary outcomes, secondary outcomes. -Conclusion. -15 references that studies you are selected and you did study on it.

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