Develop a simple patient- or staff-oriented presentation of 12–15 slides.
Legal and Ethical Issues of Research
Congratulations! Based on all of the evidence that you have provided to your supervisor, he or she has agreed with your request for a change related to a patient care issue. Because you initiated this change, your supervisor requested that you give the presentation regarding this upcoming change. Prepare either a patient- or staff-oriented presentation that includes why you and your supervisor felt the change was necessary. You need to present the issue, the need for change, and much of the key evidence that you found to support the planned change. Complete the following: Develop a simple patient- or staff-oriented presentation of 12–15 slides. Include all of the following slide headings: Clinical Issue Implications of Noncompliance Evidence (the 5 current [within the past 5 years] scholarly or peer-reviewed articles, with 1 slide for each article) Patient Guidelines or Nursing Practice Guidelines (depending on the patient care issue) Benefits of Following the Guidelines Summary References Some guidelines include the following: Include approximately 3 graphics. (Do not include too many because classroom system uploading may be difficult.) Use bullets rather than paragraph narratives. The submission should be a PowerPoint presentation of 12–15 slides, following the APA Expectations document for the College of Nursing. Please click into this APA Style for CTU Students link for help with APA formatting. Use the CTU Writing Style Guide (templates provided) – not the Introductory Writing Style Guide.