Thinking specifically about DeLucas article, do you agree that image events are an effective form of argumentation?

Environment, Image Events, Campaigning and Protest
Based on the readings, examples given in class reflect on the strengths of image event style protests using the "Convoy for Canada" protest your case study. The Convoy left Red Deer Alberta on February 14, 2019 and arrived in Ottawa on February 20, 2019. Thinking specifically about DeLucas article, do you agree that image events are an effective form of argumentation? Why or why not? Was the "Convoy for Canada" effective? Why or why not? Discuss the Convoy with examples of media and visual framing. Feel free to focus on specific aspects of the convoy as well as delve into the tensions between protest and counter-protest. Feel free to also offer suggestions on how the framing could have been altered or other perspectives informed by this week’s readings.

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