Describe how science and art are synthesized in the practice of nursing.

Describe how science and art are synthesized in the practice of nursing.The American Nurses Association’s Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (3rd ed.) discusses integrating the art and science of nursing. Describe how science and art are synthesized in the practice of nursing.
thank you!
1-2 paragraphs apa. I’ll upload the chapter for the question 1.

(1)The American Nurses Association’s Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice (3rd ed.) discusses integrating the art and science of nursing. Describe how science and art are synthesized in the practice of nursing.

I’ve uploaded 2 of the 3 documents for question 2.

(2Discuss where your personal values and beliefs are most or least aligned with the ethics of nursing as described in one of the position statements from the American Nurses Association listed below.

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