. Describe and critique the procedures for data collection

Nurse staffing levels and teamwork
Kalisch B. J. & Lee K.H. (2011). Nurse staffing levels and teamwork: A cross-sectional study of patient care units in acute care hospitals. Journal of Nursing Scholarship 43(1) 82-88

1. State the purpose of the study and identify the problem.

2. Analyze the literature review.

3. Analyze the study framework or theoretical perspective.

4. Identify describe and critique for appropriateness any research objectives questions or hypothesis.

5. Identify describe and critiqueconceptually and operationally major study variables.

6. Identify and critique the attributes and demographic variables.

7. Describe and critique the research design.

8. Describe and critique the sample and setting.

9. Describe and critique the measurement instrument used in the study.

10. Describe and critique the procedures for data collection

11. Describe and critique the statistical analysis.

12. Describe and critique the researchers interpretation

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