Develop the Professional Development Plan (PDP) following the sample PDP presented.

Nursing Application: Professional Development Plan

Order Description

To prepare:

Review the information on the Program of Study (POS) and Professional Development Plan (PDP).

Review the Assignment Rubric.

Develop the Professional Development Plan (PDP) following the sample PDP presented. Ensure that all content required is included in paper.

To complete:

Utilizing Microsoft Word, begin by formatting the paper in correct APA (i.e. title page, double space, Times New Roman size 12 font, headers, page numbers, headings).

To ensure that all content required is included in the paper, review the Professional Development Plan rubric and the sample Professional Development Plan.

Write the PDP using scholarly writing, correct grammar, and proper APA citations. Review the APA Basics Checklist: Citations, Reference List, and Style to make sure that your citations are correct. This document should represent the best professional effort.

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