Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies.

Transformational Nursing Leaders
Review Appendix A, Sections I–V in Finkelman (2012, pp. 510–515).

Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies. Your comments should be about the “highest nursing leader” in your organization. Typically this is the leader who represents nurses and nursing to the governing board.
In your own words, explain the differences between a transactional nursing leader and a transformational nursing leader. What one is more like your Nurse Executive?
Describe how the Nurse Executive “leads the charge” for transformational leadership in an organization where you work or have done prelicensure clinical experiences.
Finkelman, A. (2012). Leadership and management for nurses: Core competencies for quality care (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Chapter 15: Evidence-based Practice and Management

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