Describe the level of current national health care expenditures illustrated as a percentage of GDP, national expenditures, and/or dollars spent per person.

Writea 1,250- to 1,750-word paper in which you explain national health care spending in the United States. Include information on the following: Describe the level of current national health care expenditures illustrated as a percentage of GDP, national expenditures, and/or dollars spent per person. Illustrate whether spending is too much or not enough. Where should the nation add or cut, and why? Identify the various payers of the publics health care needs, while indicating the percent of total expenditures they represent. Provide a forecastfor the assignment. Will costs continue to rise? Or will we gain control over the problem? Will there be any shifts in pay sources? Why? Include introduction and conclution. Formatyour paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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