Create an argument that the benefits outweigh the challenges when transitioning from CHIN to RHINO. Provide support for your argument.

From the e-Activity determine a key trend that supports the implementation of either a community health information network (CHIN) or regional health information organizations (RHINO) in todays health care organizations. Justify your response.
2. Create an argument that the benefits outweigh the challenges when transitioning from CHIN to RHINO. Provide support for your argument.
3.Suggest a significant advantage to integrating a computerized physician order entry system (COPE) and a clinical decision support system (CDSS) as part of an organizations EHR. Provide support for your rationale.
4. Take a position on whether paper health records or electronic database systems are more efficient. Support your rationale. Next determine three advantages and three disadvantages to the use of electronic medical records. Justify your analysis.

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