what is the use of bacterial plasmids in genetics research (3 or 4 )

1. what is the use of bacterial plasmids in genetics research (3 or 4 Show more PGLO lab report help please ! 1. what is the use of bacterial plasmids in genetics research (3 or 4 ) 2. description of the pGLO plasmid including a sedcription of all the genes containes in it especially the AraC regulation system. 3. methods of experimental mutagenesis foucsing on transposons 4. use of restriction enzymes as a tool for anayzing dna. ( what where ) 5. what do the bands on the gek reveal about the wild type and mutant pGlo plasmid? (Attached) 6. what you can conclude about the location of the transposon insertion in the mutant plasmid ? Show less

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