Identify a minimum of three major events (or influences) in the evolution of community and public health nursing and describe how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event describe the following:

University of Phoenix Material

Evolution of Community and Public Health Nursing

Identify a minimum of three major events (or influences) in the evolution of community and public health nursing and describe how each event led to advancement of the field. For each event describe the following:
Key health issues at the time
Perspectives and goals of community and public health nursing
Roles and functions of community and public health nursing
Community and public health partnerships at the timeEvent or Influence:Key health issues
Health partnerships
How did this event (or influence) advance community and public health nursing?
Event or Influence:Key health issues
Health partnerships
How did this event (or influence) advance community and public health nursing?
Event or Influence:Key health issues
Health partnerships
How did this event (or influence) advance community and public health nursing?

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