Discuss the development and evolution of the David theme in Florentine sculpture through comparison and contrast of Donatello’s two Davids in the Bargello but currently in Palazzo Strozzi, and Michelangelo’s David in the Accademia.
Discuss the development and evolution of the David theme in Florentine sculpture through comparison and contrast of Donatello’s two Davids in the Bargello but currently in Palazzo Strozzi, and Michelangelo’s David in the Accademia. How is each work typical of its time period and artist? What do these sculptures show about the evolution of Renaissance sculpture towards a more ideal and classicizing style as the High Renaissance evolves out of the early Renaissance?Refer to sources and site study.(attached is 6 article sources to references along with notes from field trips to these works in person, treat these notes as a source as well)