Describe the issue you will plan and evaluation around What is the intervention/what are you evaluating?

You are theleadmanagerofaplanningand evaluationconsultationfirminhealthcare and havebeen commissioned by Governmenttoconductan evaluation.
Using Ovretveitsevaluation designsperspectivesand typesyou are required todevelop an evaluation plan into anissue ofhealth care organisational processes(managementservice administrationservice provision and/or delivery)
Reportof2500words.Itshould provide:
1. Executive summaryofyourproposal including abriefdescription ofthe researched setting
(Organisationalprocesspolicypublic/communityissue). (300- 500 words)
Describe the issue you will plan and evaluation around
What is the intervention/what are you evaluating?
Give some background into the intervention/issue
2. The type ofevaluationyou willconductand yourjustification. (

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