You need to undertake a SWOT analysis identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to your achievement of progression point 1 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).
This assignment is a 2000 word SWOT analysis and action plan. The submission date will be on your assessment schedule – please discuss with your module leader regarding the last date for sending your assignment plan. There is also the option to use the assignment discussion forum – here you can post questions and a module leader will respond so that all those enrolled on the module will see the response and be able to benefit from this advice. There are links to guidance for submission information – re font, style, line spacing etc. from the assessment brief.
Now let’s get started!!
SWOT Analysis.
You need to undertake a SWOT analysis identifying your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in relation to your achievement of progression point 1 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).
To find progression point 1 – see the NMC Guidelines for Pre-Registration Education (2010).
This should be submitted as an appendix in the assignment and therefore does not count in the word limit
This needs to be no more than one side of A4 with a table containing four boxes for each element of the SWOT analysis.
Your SWOT analysis can then be bullet points with those elements you identify as your own personal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
You do not need to go into lots of depth or provide references to support this – remember this is your own personal analysis of your achievement of progression point 1.
There will be elements of this assignment where it will be acceptable to write in the first person – using ‘I’. However, where possible in your analysis sections try to write in the third person to maintain your academic style. **
Approximately 250 words.
As with all assignment introductions this should inform the reader of the key aspects this assignment will discuss.
You may try to set the context for the assignment in terms of the importance of student nurse progression through their nursing programme.
You must remember to include an NMC confidentiality clause if you refer to practice placements or patients etc. within the assignment at any point.
Main body.
Approximately 1500 words.
Identify 2 key areas for development from the SWOT analysis, which you will then write an action plan for your practice development towards progression point 2 practice outcomes (NMC, 2010).
You may wish to justify the value of using a SWOT analysis and support this with evidence around the SWOT analysis tool.
You can choose from any section of your SWOT analysis – you could, for instance, choose a weakness that you then action plan for your improvement / development. An example might be you choose leadership as an area of weakness that you wish to action plan to develop ready for your development towards progression point 2.
Alternatively, you could choose a strength and then action plan for how you will continue to progress and develop this area towards your achievement of progression point 2, as this will be different in progression point two. An example could be you choose communication as a strength and then action plan for your continued development through the year, and towards achievement of progression point 2.
You need to consider justifying your choices – this may be personal and professional; you can support this with evidence – the NMC Standards etc.
Go through your two identified areas to action plan individually –
You could start by identifying your key aims and objectives for your development, this may include the setting of SMART goals, you can use evidence to support this.
You can look at what resources or support will be required to help you to achieve your action plan – this may include education or training, placement opportunities – which may include spokes or short visits.
You can look at the timescales you set for your aims and objectives and achievement of the action plan.
You may wish to consider any potential constraints or barriers to achieving your goals – this may include placement opportunities, mentor support etc.
You could also include the opportunities within the programme to achieving your goals – NPE placement, skills and simulations within University, placement opportunities, your increased knowledge and confidence of how to direct your learning and progression.
You will need to consider how you will know if you have achieved your goals, how would this be measured?
Your discussion of the two key areas for development may not be equal – one area may naturally have a more complicated / detailed action plan that the other.
Approximately 250 words.
As with all assignment conclusions – no new information should be included in the conclusion.
This should summarise the key points discussed within your assignment.
Your assignment should be supported with relevant academic references, consider the sources that you use to support your work and ensure they provide academic evidence – books, journals and research. These should be formatted according to the Universities APA Referencing Guidance.
Good Luck!!