Compare and contrast different techniques to be used when establishing therapeutic relationships with children and adults

Review the scenario below and answer the question below:

Scenario: The RN is engaging in the teaching learning process with two (2) patients who will be taught separately how to administer their own insulin injections.

One patient is a 10 year old boy and the other patient is a 28 year old woman. The 10 year old is a newly diagnosed Insulin Dependent Diabetic and the 28 year old progressed to being an Insulin Dependent Diabetic following her most recent pregnancy when she experienced Gestational Diabetes.

1- Compare and contrast different techniques to be used when establishing therapeutic relationships with children and adults

2-Choose one (1) of the patients and: Identify age appropriate assessments that would be made regarding learning readiness.

3-Write one (1) actual nursing diagnosis statement (3 parts) which focuses on the teaching learning process.

4-Write one (1) risk nursing diagnosis (2 parts) which focuses on adaptation to psychological stress.

Base your answer on your readings and research on this topic.

APA formatt
x2 referrences

Required Textbooks for the paper:

Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook – A pocket-size nursing diagnosis guidebook of your choice that is no more than one edition old, that includes NANDA International-approved nursing diagnoses, definitions, defining characteristics, and possible nursing Interventions.

Pillitteri, Adele. (2013). Maternal and Child Health Nursing (7th ed.) Philadelphia; Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

Treas, L. & Wilkinson, J, (2014). Basic nursing: concepts, skills & reasoning. Philadelphia; F. A. Davis, Company.

chapters & text books to focus on for the paper.

Nursing Diagnosis
• Use your chosen Nursing Diagnosis Guidebook to review the nursing diagnoses specific to the content covered in this module.
Maternal and Child Health Nursing**
• Chapter 35: Communication and Teaching With Children and Families
Basic nursing: concepts, skills & reasoning**
• Chapter 12: Stress and Adaptation
• Chapter 13: Psychosocial Health and Illness (section on Common Psychological Problems: Anxiety)
• Chapter 18: Documenting & Reporting (section on Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems)
• Chapter 20: Communication and Therapeutic Relationships
• Chapter 26: Teaching and Learning
• Chapter 44: Nursing Informatics (section on Electronic Mail & Text Messaging)
Web Based and Other Professional Resources:
• Take the patient education challenge (2013)**
• Social media guideline for nurses (2011)**
• Pre-licensure KSAs (2014)**
• Hospital: 2016 National Patient Safety Goals (2015)**


Therapy and Nursing
Therapeutic connection with the patient has precautionary effects which are intricate in patient’s opinions and feelings about its efficiency and preservation of therapy services. Cognitive-behavioral therapeutic relationship is founded on patient-therapist cooperation (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). They both work to establish targets, how to achieve and maintain success, in contrast to family therapy. Here the therapist involves the family members of the patients so as they can contribute to recovery of the patient. They both work hand-in-hand to ensure the well-being of the patient (Arnold & Boggs, 2015).

At the age of 10, the child has the ability to master some technical features of diabetes management but she cannot take full responsibility because she has not yet matured emotionally. As such, the right age assessment can be prescription of the insulin to test whether she can be able to induce it alone. Thus, it is necessary to involve the parents or guardian of the child so as to ensure that the child takes the right dosage (Arnold & Boggs, 2015).

Nursing analysis is a clinical evaluation concerning a person, family or communal feedback to real health complications. An actual nursing analysis offers a concern feedback available at the time of evaluation (Gordon, 2014). Health advancement diagnosis analyzes an individual’s, household’s or community’s inspiration and urge to enhance well-being and materialize human health latent as seen in the readiness to improve certain health habits, and can apply in every health condition.

Risk nursing diagnosis concerns how prone a person, collection, or public is against unpleasant human feedback to health state. Hazard-focused analysis should be sustained by risk factors which give rise to the proneness of the victims (Gordon, 2014). An example of risk diagnosis; Risk for depression as indicated by anguish, isolation, insomnia, and weight loss.


Arnold, E. C., & Boggs, K. U. (2015). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Gordon, M. (2014). Manual of nursing diagnosis. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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