demonstrate a comprehensive and in depth knowledge of the law relating to companies and how those laws operate

This assignment will be marked out of100%. This assignment contributes to50% of the total module marks. Referencing style is OSCOLA. Include footnotes The word limit for the assignment is 3,000 words. Footnotes and Bibliography will not be included in the word count but should not be abused. Assessment Task Answer the following question: Does Salomon still reign? Critically analyse recent case law on lifting the veil of incorporation to determine in what circumstances the courts are willing to pierce the corporate veil. Learning Outcomes to be assessed(as specified in the validated module descriptor): 1. To demonstrate a comprehensive and in depth knowledge of the law relating to companies and how those laws operate. 2. To critically analyse, evaluate and apply laws relating to company law to complex legal problems. 3. To critically analyse the effects of corporate governance in relation to PLCs and large private companies (as appropriate).

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