Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue

I upload for 5 articles in order to support the paper. Also in this document: Assignment dilemma paper .docx. You can found more about the criteria of the paper. Ethical Dilemmas Paper : Each student will develop a scholarly paper and include the following: 1. Describe the ethical topic AND a potential ethical dilemma as it relates to the ethical topic/issue a. Identify the stakeholders who are impacted or who may potentially be impacted by this ethical topic/issue. b. Identify the legal concerns associated with the topic/issue 2. Explore professional and personal values related to the ethical topic/issue a. Describe and support a position (values, attitudes, beliefs) on the issue, provide examples supported by current literature b. Provide an alternative position on the issue, provide examples describing the alternative viewpoint with examples supported by current literature 3. Identify and discuss any new knowledge gained related to the topic/issue.

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