Is one gender naturally (genetically) more or less aggressive than the other gender? Why or why not?

Nature/Nurture Essay98

PSY111 Nature/Nurture Paper – 150 Points

Student Name_______________________

Excellent/Exceeds Expectations Good/Meets Most Expectations Incomplete/Meets Partial Expectations
Points Possible 5 4 1-3 POINTS EARNED =
(5 points)

Develops introduction that establishes paper topics. Good introduction that establishes most topics. Partially develops introduction. Needs more detail. Feedback Comments:
Points Possible 50-46
The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.
45-36 35-1 POINTS EARNED =
(50 points)
Nature: Biological Basis of Behavior

Must Use Outside Research

Is one gender naturally (genetically) more or less aggressive than the other gender? Why or why not? Discuss evidence to support your position. (Refer to specific theories, models, and research of particular psychologists in this section of the paper.)

Complete discussion of the role of biology/nature as it relates to aggressive behavior as indicated, including an examination of gender and aggression. Includes review of proper factual material, evidence, and application of concepts to aggressive behavior. Fully supports discussion with scholarly sources Discusses the role of biology/nature as it relates to aggressive behavior, including an examination of gender and aggression. Includes review of proper factual material and some application of concepts to studying behavior. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Uses some scholarly sources. Partial discussion of the role of biology/nature as it relates to aggressive behavior. Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. Outside scholarly sources absent or not supportive. Feedback Comments:
Points Possible 50-46 45-36 35-1 POINTS EARNED =
(50 points)
Nurture: Social and Environmental Influences on Behavior

Must Use Outside Research

Does exposure to aggressive behavior in the environment (i.e. home, role models, caregivers, media – TV, movies, music, and video games, etc.), encourage or discourage aggressive behavior? Discuss evidence to support your position. (Refer to specific theories, models, and research of particular psychologists in this section of the paper.)

Complete discussion of the role of nurture/social and environmental influences as it relates to aggressive behavior. Includes review of proper factual material, evidence, and application of concepts to aggressive behavior. Fully supports discussion with scholarly sources Discusses the role of nurture/social and environmental influences as it relates to aggressive behavior, including an examination of gender and aggression. Includes review of proper factual material and some application of concepts to studying behavior. Needs minor additional detail or support to be complete. Uses some scholarly sources. Partial discussion of the role of nurture/social and environmental influences as it relates to aggressive behavior. Demonstrates partial understanding of concepts. Needs significant detail or support to be complete. Outside scholarly sources absent or not supportive Feedback Comments:
Points Possible 15 14-12 11-1 POINTS EARNED =
(15 points)
Conclusion: Based on what you have learned about biological and environmental influences on behavior, which plays a more influential role in helping us understand aggression?

Conclusion has evidence of critical thinking. Fully supports position regarding how nature or nurture plays a more influential role in helping us understand aggression. Conclusion has some evidence of critical thinking and some support for the position regarding how nature or nurture plays a more influential role in helping understand aggression. Needs minor additional detail. Partially develops conclusion. Needs more evidence of critical thinking and detail OR lacks sufficient evidence to support position on aggression.

Nature/Nurture Essay98

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