For this assignment, please write a 4-page (12-point font, double-spaced) critical summary of the required article readings for Week 10.

For this assignment, please write a 4-page (12-point font, double-spaced) critical summary of the required article readings for Week 10. This includes, Is Culture a Golden Barrier Between Human and Chimpanzee by Boesch (2003), Cultural Panthropology by Whiten et al. (2003), and Do Animals Have Culture? By Laland and Hoppitt (2003) (available on Blackboard Learn). In your write-up, answer the following questions: 1) is there convincing evidence for culture in non-primate animals?; 2) is there convincing evidence for culture in nonhuman primates?; 3) how is evidence of culture in nonhuman primates different from human culture? Be sure to include a critical discussion of the potential evidence of culture in nonhuman primates, and how this evidence is interpreted. Note: Be sure to include a References Cited at the end of the paper. Follow the AAA style guides rule for in text citations and for the references cited. See: ).

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