Discuss how you will identify and select literature and the range of literature you will search for- (Research papers, reviews, books, reports, policies, guidelines, frameworks).

Health education in reducing binge drinking among teenagers

What is the role of health education in reducing binge drinking among teenagers?

Populations.. TEENAGERS


C.. N/A


Introduction (200 words).

• Write briefly what the assignment is about, the key issues to be developed and how as well as and summarising in your own words what is stated in the assessment brief.

• Discuss how the outline is going to be structured.

Background/justification/rationale (600 words) CHAPTER 1

• Summarise the importance of the topic to your field of study.

• Briefly discuss your preliminary background reading on your research question i.e., primary and secondary sources.

• Briefly start to identify some of the key areas you might want to discuss in your dissertation.

Selection of topic and formulation of a research question (200 words).

• Discuss the framework used to formulate the question (PICO).

• Identify the key elements of the question.

Methodology (800 words) CHAPTER 2

Literature search strategies

Discuss in detail the literature search process

Selection of key words.

Discuss the inclusion/exclusion criteria in detail.

Boolean operators.


• Discuss how you will identify and select literature and the range of literature you will search for- (Research papers, reviews, books, reports, policies, guidelines, frameworks).

• Analysis of evidence – How are you going to analyse the literature?

As you read the identified literature you will focus on:

• Understanding the empirical findings from data collected.

• Identifying major trends or patterns in studies.

• Explaining the conflicting results.

• Making a generalisation based on the majority of articles.

• Identifying gaps in literature and discussing them.

• Identifying relationships between studies.

Results and Discussion: (500 words) CHAPTER 3

• Discuss how you plan to present your literature review results – How are you going to present and discuss the key evidence that you will identify from your literature review and link it with your research question?

It is important to discuss:

• How you will identify key evidence.

• How you will identify how the research relates to other studies.

• How you will identify what other studies have been done.

• How it relates to your area of nursing or healthcare.

• Critical appraisal – How are you going to appraise the literature? 200 word e.g., you will be (CHAPTER 4):

• Discussing the critical appraisal framework that you will use for critiquing research articles.

• Discussing the limitations i.e., internal and/or external validity.

• Describing what needs to be done differently to improve on the body of knowledge i.e., better instruments, more representative sampling, use of alternative explanations or existing practice.

Chapter 5.

Emerging themes (200).

Chapter 6.

Recommendations: (100 words)

• How you will present the recommendations in the dissertation.

Conclusion: (200 words)

• Highlight the main points discussed in the main text.

• Summarise the key learning points that have emerged from writing this outline of your dissertation. How has developing this outline enabled you to write your dissertation (literature review)?

References (Use literature published within the last 10 years)

• Use appropriate referencing of academic writing.

• Use the most up-to-date UWL referencing guide available from the library. Please note that the referencing guide is regularly updated.

10. Appendices

Identify a summary grid table template that you will use to present your identified literature. Demonstrate how you would use this table by extracting appropriate information from at least two articles. Make sure you have mentioned the table in the main essay.

The table must be referenced.

Include a Gantt chart for your final project (Double Dissertation).

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