What are the top issues associated with privacy concerns in each scenario.

M8.A2 – Privacy Issues – (50 points)
*The required scenarios presented at the Pew Internet website.
http://www.pewinternet.org/2016/01/14/privacy-and-information-sharing/(Links to an external site.)(Links to an external site.)
Scroll down the page to review the Scenarios you are being asked to address.(Links to an external site.)
Summarize the key issues you identify in the scenarios.
Reflections should include:1. A brief overview of what each scenario is about.
The scenarios cover the following issues:
1. Workplace security and privacy
2. Health information security and convenience
3. Consumer Loyalty Cards and profiling
4. Auto Insurance discounts and monitoring
5. Personal details and advertisements
6. Homeactivitiesand data capture
2. What are the top issues associated with privacy concerns in each scenario.
3. Relate something from the scenarios that you experienced in your real life. Discuss what it is and how it relates to what you have learned. Even if you have no CRM retail or work experience think critically about your experience as a customeror user of these services.
Rubric: rubricprivacyissues.docx

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