In registered nurses working in the inpatient setting is high burnout related to greater patient safety risks

In registered nurses working in the inpatient setting is high burnout related to greater patient safety risks ? Please make sure the paper and reference articles stay on the PICO topic. You will also need to include an additional number of references in your paper that support your introduction, significance and discussion/conclusion. All references should be 5-7 years old or less unless the article is considered to be classic or seminal article. You must use primary sources when citing. Please do not use direct quotes from references as much as possible. You should report, evaluate, and synthesize findings in your own words making sure to appropriately reference ideas. Remember: summarize, synthesize, and cite. Please carefully proofread your paper for correct grammar, spelling and use of APA format. I am particularly interested in your ability to critically evaluate the literature and synthesize information. Grading Rubric for Paper (also a great outline to use as you write) 1. Introduction of topic and research question 5 POINTS This section should include your statement of the research Question (PICO) that will guide your search of the evidence Include an opening statement and statistics that grabs the readers attention Generally 1 paragraph to set the tone for the paper 2. Background and Significance to nursing practice 15 POINTS Tell the reader why this is an important topic. You may choose To pull in clinical guidelines here and other statistics that speak To the problem. Share what you as a nurse or dietician as a role with given this Topic Generally 2-4 paragraphs 3. Review and critique of evidence 30 POINTS Start this section with a paragraph about your methods used to find your 4-5 research studies (or include a separate method section of the paper) In this section, you will present the 4-5 studies that are included on your research grid. Include information in a succinct manner that will let the reader understand the study. Then critique each study including areas similar to the article critique rubric for the quantitative study Generally 2-3 paragraphs per study 4. Synthesis and Discussion 20 POINTS The discussion section is a synthesis of what you know based on the literature to answer your initial guiding question. You should compare your findings from the 4-5 studies to other evidence. Include here: Findings that are similar or different across your 4-5 studies; study critique areas that are similar or different across your studies; and gaps with the area that still need to be explored Generally 3-4 paragraphs 5. Conclusion End with a one paragraph summary of your paper 5 POINTS 4. Evidence Grid 15 POINTS 7. APA Format/Spelling/Grammar/Reference List 10 POINTS You must have a minimum of 10-15 references. The 4-5 research studies should NOT be included in your background. Do not include meta-analyses, meta-syntheses, or systematic reviews in the Review and Critique section of your paper. These can be used in the background section.

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