Define what Mentee Beharios are, give examples of positive mentee behaviors that impact Persistence, and anything else relevant to mentor roles.

WriterHere is the Assignment: Overview For the following topic: The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore the roles mentor-mentee associations play in the persistence of African American female STEM students in Community Colleges in the U.S We want to identify how mentor- mentee associations (relationships) play in the persistence of African American female (AAF) students in STEM majors in Community Colleges in the U.S. The focus is on 2 year Community colleges. There is a lot of research that pertains to Universities (4- year institutions) however the focus of this research is on Community Colleges. Many African American Females in STEM majors get their associates degree and go right into their field. Therefore exploring how mentor-mentee associations impact AAF students in STEM is important to identify. Problem Statement: It is not known what roles mentor- mentee associations play in the persistence of African American female students in STEM majors in Community Colleges in the U.S. Research Questions: R1: How do African American female student in STEM majors in community college on the pacific coast in the U.S. describe the roles that mentor mentee associations play in their persistence? R2: How do African American female student in STEM majors in community college on the pacific coast in the U.S. describe the behaviors they use with their mentors to achieve their persistence goals? Write an Introduction, Literature review and Summary/Conclusion APA Format Articles must be Peer Reviewed, APA format and MUST include DOI # Must include the PERMALINK. All References must be within the last four years. 2015 2019. Feel free to use at least 10 references in this paper. Each paragraph in the Literature Review Section MUST be Synthesized. Either comparing and or contrasting at least (2) or more Researchers per paragraph. ? Introduction ? Literature Review Section ? Summary or Conclusion INTRODUCTION THE LITERATURE REVIEW SECTION Cover the following Topics: Importance of Community Colleges for STEM Majors 1. Open admissions, Low tuition cost, small class sizes, Associations Degrees and Certificates in STEM that can lead to good paying jobs, Average Salaries of jobs with associates degree in STEM, diverse student population. Note: These are some things to cover under the Importance of Community College for STEM Majors section. If you find more things, please include them. Importance of Persistence Rates for STEM Majors at Community Colleges 1. Define Persistence Rates, Identify why persistence rates are important for STEM at Com. Colleges, what are the reported Persistence rates ( and graduation rates) for AAF in STEM majors in Community Colleges, also anything else relevant to the persistence. Importance of Mentor Roles that lead to persistence/retention 1. Define what Mentor Roles are, give examples of positive mentor roles that impact Persistence, and anything else relevant to mentor roles. Importance of Mentee behaviors that lead to persistence/retention 1. Define what Mentee Beharios are, give examples of positive mentee behaviors that impact Persistence, and anything else relevant to mentor roles.

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