Evaluate each objection and decide whether you will concede and adjust your solution or refute the objection, respectfully explaining its flaw or irrelevance.

Evaluate each objection and decide whether you will concede and adjust your solution or refute the objection, respectfully explaining its flaw or irrelevance.
approximately 700 words (2.5-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12-point font); a minimum of 650 words will be accepted. Please put the word count in parentheses on the last line of the essay. three body paragraphs in which you lay out your proposal, plus introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Recommended structure: Body 1 can address and explain the problem and why it requires solving (claim: the problem exists and requires a solution; evidence: proof that the problem is real and has negative consequences); Body 2 can lay out the step-by-step guide to your solution (claim: this solution is doable and likely to work; evidence: step-by-step plan + proof that a similar solution has worked before; and Body 3 can acknowledge and respond to objections or concerns regarding your plan (claim: regarding my solution, some may have concerns A, B, and C, which are valid/invalid; evidence: proof or reasoning that concerns A, B, and C should be tolerated, adjusted for, or disregarded). an original, creative title. adherence to MLA document formatting (heading, page numbers, etc.). a thesis statement, or an assertion of policy (St. Martin’s Guide 366), in which you succinctly state your plan. Please confer with me (in person or by email) about your thesis before you begin writing. clear steps and thorough explanation of each step (including costs, if they apply). one outside source that explains how your solution (or a variation of your solution) has worked elsewhere on a similar problem. Look through newspaper articles and scholarly articles on our library databasesLinks to an external site.. Print sources or personal interviews are also welcome. Be sure that you can easily establish the credibility of the source you choose. (Note that outside sources might also be necessary to provide evidence of the problem.) Be highly selective for the most relevant source, as well as the most relevant information from that source. Your source must be smoothly integrated, introduced with signal phrases, well-explained, and cited and documented according to MLA style (including a Works Cited page). acknowledgement and careful response to objections to your proposal. Where might detractors disagree with or have concerns about your solution? How do you respond to these concerns? Do not exclude, gloss over, or quickly dismiss them. Evaluate each objection and decide whether you will concede and adjust your solution or refute the objection, respectfully explaining its flaw or irrelevance. logical organization, cohesive flow, sentence variety, precise word choice, audience awareness, formal tone (avoid informal figures of speech and the second person, “you”), and finally, grammatical and mechanical fluency. Remember that even if an essay fulfills all the above requirements beautifully, any excessive patterns of grammatical or mechanical error are grounds for the paper to receive a failing grade.

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