compare and contrast health problem and healthcare system data from the United States to health problem and healthcare system data from one other developed and one developing country.

September 14, 2019 Off All,

The State of Global Health

Overview For this Performance Task Assessment, you will compare and contrast health problem and healthcare system data from the United States to health problem and healthcare system data from one other developed and one developing country. You will compare and contrast health problems and the healthcare system of United States to one other developed country and one developing country with regard to one health problem that is present in all three countries. This assessment has two-parts. Compare and Contrast Template In the Compare and Contrast Template, address the following: 1. Explain the health problem you selected and why you chose that problem. a. Identify and record the health data for each country for the health problem selected 2. Identify the following for each country: a. Population and demographics b. Annual per capita income c. Annual per capita spending on healthcare 3. Describe the incidence of the health problem for each country. 4. Describe the prevalence of the health problem for each country. 5. Describe the healthcare system of workers/professionals that are available to serve the population for the health problem in each country: a. Are there sufficient healthcare professionals to provide care? 6. Explain the following list of factors that may contribute to the existence of the health problem for each country: a. Describe the elements of the epidemiological triangle, if applicable b. Describe environmental impacts (including the healthcare delivery system) that may apply to health problem for each country 7. Explain the multifactorial relationships for the health problem for each country: a. Nutritional considerations, if applicable b. Economic considerations c. The costs of medication and/or treatment in the healthcare system 8. Explain at least two current efforts for containment/mitigation by the healthcare system for the health problem for each country. 9. Synthesize the information you gathered for all three countries in the Compare and Contrast template in a 4- page response. Your response should address the following: a. Explain at least three multifactorial relationship examples that are most important in each of the three countries for the health problem you selected. b. Summarize how the health problem you selected is currently addressed by the healthcare system in each of the three countries. Be specific and provide examples. c. Explain at least two approaches from each country on how the healthcare system in each country addresses the health problem you selected. d. Explain how these approaches relate to your role as a nurse leader in improving global health. e. Explain which approach from each country is best-suited for your healthcare system and practice to address the selected health problem. Be sure to support your response with at least three scholarly resources. This assessment requires submission of two (2) documents: Compare and Contrast Template and Narrative.

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