Discuss two methodological characteristics of this study which tend to limit how much the findings can be generalized to larger populations.

Reading Assignment 6Private Domains, Information Control, and Accommodation23. The Consequences of Antisocial Behavior in Older Male Siblings for Younger Brothers and Sisters, Jim Snyder, Lew Bank, Bert Burraston 24. Examining the Informal Sanctioning of Deviance in a Chat Room Culture, Ronda D. EvansOrganizational Structures, Ideologies, Social-Control Agents, and Recruitment: The Institutional Backdrop25. Bureaucratic Slots and Client Processing, Delos H. Kelley26. The Corporate Context of Private Prisons, David Shichor27. The Enforcement of Norms: Group Cohesion and Meta-Norms, Christine Horne Points Possible: 20Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages Answer two questions:1. Snyder, et al. develop and test a complex predictive model of antisocial behavior among siblings. As is often the case, such models and findings are of limited utility. Discuss two methodological characteristics of this study which tend to limit how much the findings can be generalized to larger populations.2. The article by Rhonda Evans examines deviance in Married Life chatroom culture. Summarize the different types of deviance found, and especially the sanction that are imposed on deviant behavior (i..e, text posts) in this cyberspace community.3. Widespread privatization of prisons suggests that corporate deviance may evolve to support the profit motive. Discuss any two of these, with examples: issues of organizational deviance; legal issues, political influence. In general, give your opinion of the negative impact of the privatization of government functions (prisons, mental health, infrastructure maintenance, and so on).Reading Assignment 6Private Domains, Information Control, and Accommodation23. The Consequences of Antisocial Behavior in Older Male Siblings for Younger Brothers and Sisters, Jim Snyder, Lew Bank, Bert Burraston 24. Examining the Informal Sanctioning of Deviance in a Chat Room Culture, Ronda D. EvansOrganizational Structures, Ideologies, Social-Control Agents, and Recruitment: The Institutional Backdrop25. Bureaucratic Slots and Client Processing, Delos H. Kelley26. The Corporate Context of Private Prisons, David Shichor27. The Enforcement of Norms: Group Cohesion and Meta-Norms, Christine Horne Points Possible: 20Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages Answer two questions:1. Snyder, et al. develop and test a complex predictive model of antisocial behavior among siblings. As is often the case, such models and findings are of limited utility. Discuss two methodological characteristics of this study which tend to limit how much the findings can be generalized to larger populations.2. The article by Rhonda Evans examines deviance in Married Life chatroom culture. Summarize the different types of deviance found, and especially the sanction that are imposed on deviant behavior (i..e, text posts) in this cyberspace community.3. Widespread privatization of prisons suggests that corporate deviance may evolve to support the profit motive. Discuss any two of these, with examples: issues of organizational deviance; legal issues, political influence. In general, give your opinion of the negative impact of the privatization of government functions (prisons, mental health, infrastructure maintenance, and so on).

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