How the unwritten rules of the culture influence and control the members of the group
Discussion question. The response doesn’t have to be a whole page just a substantial response.Culture is a term that can be used to describe and distinguish the uniquecharacteritics of an ethnic group, a nation, a corporation, or otherdistinct groups of people. Athletic teams, religious groups, professions,and the military are examples of groups that have unique culturalcharacteristics. Cole in *Cultural Psychology* defines culture as existingwhen people engage in an activity over a period of time. Cultures havecharacteristics of what behaviors are acceptable and what behaviors are notacceptable. Cultures differ on a variety of dimensions including emphasison individuality vs being part of the group, type of hierarchy,distribution of power, long-term or short-term orientation, parentingstyles, decision-making patterns, and values just to name a few. In thetext we looked at group think and the pressure to embrace certain ways ofthinking that can lead to disaster such as with NASA and taking unwarrantedrisks with the space shuttle or the 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion of Cubadisaster.Your TaskYour task for this assignment is to:- Research and identify a specific culture that you may haveexperienced, observed, or researched.- Identify the unique characteristics of the culture that distinguishand characterize it from other cultures.- Discuss the following ideas:- How the unwritten rules of the culture influence and control the members of the group- How the rules cause members to emphasize certain values and ignoreor discount other values- How group dynamics keep the members loyal and committed to thegroup, etcExampleThe culture at Enron is a great example for demonstrating the kind ofanalysis I want you to conduct. Enron valued innovation, thinking outsidethe box, developing new business opportunities, and taking risks. To bevalued by the company a worker had to be involved in projects that resultedin sales and brought increased income to the corporation. Individuals thatmanaged and worked in areas that supported the business such as theaccounting department where they kept track of the company financial healthand the insurance department that protected business assets and tried tominimize corporate exposure to business risk were seen as not providingmuch value. The workers in these areas weren’t compensated on the samelevel as the innovators and didn’t have the same level of prestige in thecompany. Success was measured in terms of new products and the income itbrought to the company. Staff members who questioned the ethics of aproposal were seen as stifling progress and being too rigid in theirthinking. Risk taking was a valued cultural more that even influencedworker leisure activities.