Very briefly describe the issue (one paragraph) and list the range of potential policy instruments that can be used to tackle this issue (a separate paragraph).

The need to improve vaccination coverage in Australia using the provision of services or information instrument
Order Description
Instruction of the essay:
1. Strong introduction outlining the vaccination coverage state in Australia
2 Very briefly describe the issue (one paragraph) and list the range of potential policy instruments that can be used to tackle this issue (a separate paragraph).
below the reference to the issue so the writer can describe it
3. In depth: describe how the provision of services or information instrument can improve vaccination in Australia and in depth analyze it from the epidemiological perspective .
Consider that this information has been requested from a government policy maker who would like to include your work in a policy paper exploring policy options in relation to the issue selected.
Refer to the research literature to gather evidence 30 references required.
4. Strong conclusion summaries the body
Word count: 2000 words (allow +/- 10%). Marks will be lost if your assignment exceeds the total word limit.
include up to 1 boxed example (of a total 200 words) to illustrate some of your material if you choose. Text boxes are good for providing purely descriptive information such as basic descriptions of studies or a policy. This will give you more room for your analysis and arguments. This box wont be included in the word count. Be sure to incorporate the box into your writing.
Assessment Criteria
Task Specific Marking Criteria
The student made it clear from the outset the perspectives selected for a particular policy instrument.
The student explored the instruments feasibility from one or two perspectives.
The range of questions raised and explored would usefully inform the policy analysis of that instrument from the perspective(s) selected.
The student demonstrated their ability to draw upon bibliographic sources relevant to the perspective(s) selected. The student selected and described a health issue of importance and outlined (briefly within a paragraph) a range of policy instruments that would be relevant to addressing this issue
General Criteria As well as meeting the above task specific requirements your report should demonstrate (and will also be assessed against):
Clarity and logic in the expression of ideas and concepts presented
Comprehension of the subject material
Application of key concepts to the policy example selected
Evaluation and synthesis of evidence/information derived from other sources
Research skills in sourcing relevant information
Quality use of relevant sources of information
Concise writing
Quality in presentation
Originality Analytical in nature not just descriptive
Appropriate use of citations and referencing

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