Read the file, Psycho-Sexual Development Across the Lifespan.

Read the file, Psycho-Sexual Development Across the Lifespan. Assessment: (will upload) ** 1. Create a video presentation that focuses on one of the stages you read for peers/fellow clinicians. 2. First, create a one page summary of the material you want to communicate on the stage you have chosen. 3. Then create a PowerPoint to go along with you presentation. Consider finding high quality graphics to reinforce the concepts you are communicating. Also, consider a short video clip that illustrates a concept. Consider creative yet professional ways you might make your presentation most engaging. Feel free to use any relevant and viable resources on the topic in addition to the reading provided to bring an in depth and broad, but Bibilical, view to the table. is also a fun Powepoint option for this project if you want to get extra creative and visual.

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