women’s access to justice

October 30, 2019 Off All,

women’s access to justice

Paper details:

Thesis statement is : women should have the right to decide weather to have an abortion or not. And if the women will decide to leave the child, she should be supported by the government. **this is what the professor asked for plz follow exactly whats neeeded below: For your term paper, the work you put in your bibliography must actually be used in the text of your essay to make your points, and they must be cited with correct style in the text as well as in the “Bibliography” or “Works Cited” section. And, your citations must use genuine scholarly work from the library to make its points (using public websites or newspaper or magazine articles alone is not acceptable). in your term paper you must read at least in part and use the sources you cite. And as was noted above in the guidelines for your response essays, for your term paper you are not restricted in your research to only looking up scholarly articles from scholarly journals. You may use whatever resources you need to use to establish or make plausible the thesis you are aiming at in your paper. Every single piece of information you mention in your term paper whether it is a quote or not must be cited. If you are relating some bit of history or some scientific or other findings, you must cite your sources. A term paper is not a magazine article or a newspaper article. It is a research essay. In a research essay, all information must be cited. The term paper must be handed in as a PDF file through Blackboard on the day it is due, M 12/9 (again, Microsoft Word .doc or .docx files are not acceptabl

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