complete a literature search, and identify at least three research studies (nursing research preferred) about NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS.
Nosocomial Infections
Project instructions:
complete a literature search, and identify at least three research studies (nursing research preferred) about NOSOCOMIAL INFECTIONS. Research articles must be published within the last 5 years. Write a 4-page (max) paper using APA format containing a two-paragraph summary of each article, and a final summary of the evidence on the problem(NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION) and how it can be used to address the problem.
Content: Write an introductory paragraph describing the clinical problem(NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION) you will address and why it is important to nursing. Identify a quality and safety indicator that is related to the clinical problem(NOSOCOMIAL INFECTION) and the source (agency) that authored the safety standard. Next include the APA format reference for the first research article, followed by 2 paragraphs describing the article. Summarize the article in your OWN WORDS. Describe what the researchers did, and what they found. Include information about the sample and study design. In the second paragraph describe the important findings (there may be too many findings to describe them all) and how the findings are important to nursing practice. DO NOT copy and paste from any portion of the article or the abstract, or cite from the article using quotes. You are to paraphrase the findings using your own words. Follow the same format for the other 2 articles. At the end of the paper, write a concluding paragraph that summarizes the important findings from all 3 of the articles and how this evidence can be used to address the clinical problem. You do not include a reference list, because your APA references are in the paper. The text is limited to 3 pages. The title page is not included in the 3 page limit. Use the format guide attached to write the paper.
Make sure you select research articles published within the last 5 years. Nursing research is strongly preferred