As Edward had previously refused medical treatment for his viral infection, do the paramedics have any legal authority to institute treatment for his diabetic coma?
Legal Issues Using structured sentences and paragraphs, answer the following questions in relation to legal issues raised by the case. 1. As Edward had previously refused medical treatment for his viral infection, do the paramedics have any legal authority to institute treatment for his diabetic coma? What legal authority can you rely upon to support your answer? 2. What elements must be present for this consent to be valid? What legal authority can you rely upon to support your answer? What potential legal consequences may flow if healthcare practitioners provide treatment without first obtaining consent? 3. As Edward is unresponsive he will not have decision-making capacity. Provide a rationale that supports the legal obligation to obtain consent in these circumstances. 4. List the potential options available for the healthcare practitioners to obtain consent for Edward’s ongoing care in these circumstances. What legal authority can you rely upon to support your answer? 5. In circumstances where there are two or more substitute decisions-makers who could potentially provide consent, and they disagree, describe the legal options available to provide a definitive answer as to what course of action the healthcare practitioners should take. 6. What factors will be taken into account when making a decision as to whether Edward’s life-sustaining measures can be withdrawn?
Ethical Issues Referring to the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, and using structured sentences and paragraphs: 1. Identify two principles that are relevant in this scenario and describe how the selected principles apply to the facts in the scenario. 2. Describe where a conflict between these principles may arise by considering the different values of each of the stakeholders in the scenario. 3. Apply the modified Kerridge et al. (2013) model for ethical problem solving to address the conflict.