Brief statement indicating the opposite position
Mandatory Overtime for Nurses.
The student’s position on the issue must be clearly stated and important to the nursing profession. Two arguments (rationales) that support the student’s position must be presented. In addition, the student must state the opposite position and present two rationales to support the opposite position. It is strongly suggested that the following outline be used as a guide:
I. Title page: (per APA format) II. Introductory paragraph A. Statement of student’s position B. Short description of the professional importance of the student’s position C. Brief statement of argument #1 for the student’s position D. Brief statement of argument #2 for the student’s position E. Brief statement indicating the opposite position F. Brief statement of argument #1 for the opposite position G. Brief statement of argument #2 for the opposite position
III. Supporting argument #1 A. Complete statement of the first rationale that supports the student’s position B. Data that explain and justify rationale #1 C. Examples that illustrate rationale #1 IV. Supporting argument #2 A. Complete statement of the second rationale that supports the student’s position B. Data that explain and justify rationale #2 C. Examples that illustrate rationale #2 V. Opposite position A. Re-statement of the opposite position and two arguments for that position B. Data that support the arguments for the opposite position C. Examples that illustrate the opposite position VI. Weighing the evidence A. Comparison of the arguments in support of and in opposition to the student’s position B. Summarizing why the arguments for the student’s position are stronger VII. Conclusion A. Restatement of the student’s position B. Summary of arguments that support the student’s position