Explain your understanding of the key vocabulary. Check the Criteria against which the Assessment will be marked on the Syllabus page.

An analysis of and commentary on Julio’s case study including two legal issues.
Read the scenario and write a case study. Use the course book (Adams, A. (2014) Law for Business Students. 8th ed. London: Pearson Education) and other sources to provide evidence in support of your points. Use in-text referencing in the Harvard style. Include a bibliography. Establish the relevant area of law and apply it to the facts. Mention cases and statutes that are relevant to the situation and explain why they are relevant. Explain your understanding of the key vocabulary. Check the Criteria against which the Assessment will be marked on the Syllabus page. You can use these Criteria to self-evaluate your work and potentially improve your score. Your work should be in Ariel Font, no smaller than Size 12, using 1.5 Spacing and no right-hand margin.

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