A hospital official is allegedly involved in an elaborate plan to recruit homeless individuals for unnecessary healthcare treatment and then bill the government for it. What ethical, moral, and/or criminal issues are specific to the case, and why?

March 29, 2019 Off All,

Scenario 1: A hospital official is allegedly involved in an elaborate plan to recruit homeless individuals for unnecessary healthcare treatment and then bill the government for it. What ethical, moral, and/or criminal issues are specific to the case, and why? What are the implications of this case for the individual, organization, patients, and the community? As an executive in the organization, how would you ensure that such situations do not occur? Scenario 2: The debate over end-of-life issues continues to draw national attention. Current laws are intended to maintain a balance between protecting the rights of the patient and protecting society’s obligation to preserve life, prevent suicide, and maintain confidence in and the integrity and credibility of the medical profession. Describe the difference between allowing a patient to die and physician-assisted suicide. What are the ethical and legal issues associated with these two issues? Provide specific right-to-die and physician-assisted suicide examples. What kinds of impacts can these two issues have on the public’s perception of the medical profession? Are you within your rights to prohibit them from practicing at your hospital, and why? What circumstances make this legal or illegal? Please explain your position. Scenario 3: You are the president of a hospital in a large metropolitan area of the northwest. You have been approached by a group of radiologists wanting to read images and perform procedures at your hospital. You inform them that your hospital has an exclusive contract with another group of radiologists to work at your hospital and they cannot read images or perform procedures. They threaten to sue you and the hospital for violation of anti-trust regulations. Would you be within your rights to prohibit them from practicing at your hospital? Explain your reasons. What circumstances make the exclusive contract legal or illegal? Explain your position. Choose one of the scenarios above and conduct research to further inform your understanding of the issues. Begin your research at the Franklin University Library website. You may also use the sources in the Overview of this assignment, as applicable to the scenario that you choose. Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you answer the questions for the scenario that you chose. Support your answers with at least two relevant, scholarly resources. Prepare your assignment for submission:

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