Advantage & Disadvantage of Scientific Management Theory|
Hello i need a Good and Positive Comment related with this argument .A paragraph with no more 100 words.
Marisa Atencio
1 posts
Re:Topic 1 DQ 1
Scientific Management Theory’s main objective is to improve performance in the work places. There are advantages and disadvantages to most things, which include the Scientific Management Theory. Advantages of Scientific Management include enhanced teamwork, cooperation between managers and workers, better planning and decision-making, improved democracy in workplace and improved physical working conditions for employees. Some disadvantages and ways this theory can be ineffective are managerial decisions may involve strictness and stress for managers due to need for complete control over the work place, influences feelings of pressure among workers and it may de-motivate workers (Advantage & Disadvantage of Scientific Management Theory | Study Psychology Online, 2013) An example of how it can de-motivate employees and be ineffective is the management tells the workers that they are now to perform a workflow a certain way. There’s no explanation, there’s not wiggle room, that’s just the way it is. The workers may feel frustrated! When a change is put into effect, an explanation of why the change is needed is helpful for the change to occur. If there is no chance for the workers that are actually going to perform the workflow to give input, they are de-motivated.
An example of participative decision making that has occurred in my workplace is allowing nursing staff to have input on new workflows that are developed. We have an opportunity to give ideas and insight to the IT department and the leadership. Although everyone’s input is taken into consideration, we aren’t allowed the final say which is what participative decision making is all about. The good think about this process is employees do feel valued and feel that their opinion matters. Another way that this occurs is nursing staff from each team is allowed to be involved in the interview process for adding members to their pod.
Advantage & Disadvantage of Scientific Management Theory| Study Psychology Online. (2013). Retrieved from