Analyze the current situation of the company by examining the strategic management challenges facing the company you selected.
Analyze the current situation of the company by examining the strategic management challenges facing the company you selected. The outside research will help with this part of the case study. The analysis can also include a review of current challenges, future developments, and future trends.• Conduct an analysis of the mission statement and vision by analyzing the case itself.• Examine the internal and external environmental aspects and also a competitive analysis which have or currently impacting the company.• Provide a competitive analysis of the industry environment by carefully reviewing the five forces model and trying to determine the organization’s core competencies. Any other relevant analytical tools and techniques should also be used.• Include a formal, formatted SWOT analysis. Your analysis needs to include all four components.• Write a value chain analysis and other important components contained in the case itself. Relate these components to strategic management concepts contained in the textbook.• Explain the organization’s current situation and the problems and/or challenges it faces and look at its future choices and options, based on your analysis above. Attention should be given to the results of various analyses related to both strategic and financial issues as appropriate.• Identify the strategic steps the enterprise now needs to implement, and your recommendations for doing all of this. Your research from outside publications will help write this conclusion.• Your final case analysis should be double-spaced-APA formatted. Follow APA (6th edition) and that means that they must include a formal Title Page, a Header (the first 3 words of the actual title and a page number in the upper-right hand corner of the paper starting on the Title page) [Use the “View “header/Footer and the Header position-It is right-aligned]; a Heading (a copy of the actual title pasted atop the first page of text) and In-text citations for each and every reference used. References must be properly formatted in accordance with APA standards on a separate page at the end of the paper. A minimum of 4 outside references must be utilized and they should be from recognized high quality business journals like Fortune or Forbes, etc.