Analyze the factors that contribute to the development of personal moral development.

Assignment: Moral Compass

Module 1 Assignment Your Moral Compass

Submit the completed assignment by end of day Sunday of Module 1.


In this assignment, you will begin to identify factors that influence personal morals. Each one of us is molded by our past; our upbringing and rules that we live by. Identifying these factors will allow you to see how and why you view ethical dilemmas in a particular way. In addition, it is necessary to examine the historical influences that have helped to shape the profession.

The purpose of this activity is to: 1) Identify the factors that influence your personal moral compass; and 2) Examine the early historical influences of the Hippocratic Oath and the Nightingale Pledge on the profession

This assignment is worth 20 points.

Learning Objectives

· Analyze the factors that contribute to the development of personal moral development.

· Examine the historical influence of the Hippocratic Oath and the Nightingale Pledge and their relevance in today’s practice.


After completing the readings for this week, completely answer the following questions. The boxes will expand as you type. Writing in complete sentences, provide complete and thorough answers for each question in order to earn full credit.

List three rules you remember the most from your childhood/adolescence. What was the purpose of each of the rules (why were the rules made or enforced?)
List three rules you live by today and the reasons you have them embedded in your life.
Explain how rules impact the nursing profession. Provide examples from practice.
Compare and Contrast the Hippocratic Oath and the Nightingale Pledge…..what are the similarities and differences? What are you surprised to see since they originated a long time ago?
Identify the part(s) of the Nightingale Pledge that are still relevant today. Explain the relevance to your practice setting. Describe at least one thing that you would add to the Nightingale Pledge.

Grading Criteria

Tasks Accomplished Proficient Needs Improvement Not Acceptable
Three Rules from Childhood Question is fully addressed with complete support for answer. Question is fully addressed with partial support for answer. Question is partially addressed with partial support for your answer. Question is not addressed adequately.
4 Points 3 2 1 0
Three Rules You Live By Question is fully addressed with complete support for answer. Question is fully addressed with partial support for answer. Question is partially addressed with partial support for your answer. Question is not addressed adequately
4 Points 3 2 1 0
Moral Rules and Impact on Nursing Profession Question is fully addressed with complete support for answer. Question is fully addressed with partial support for answer. Question is partially addressed with partial support for your answer. Question is not addressed adequately
4 Points 3 2 1 0
Hippocratic Oath and Nightingale Pledge Question is fully addressed with complete support for answer. Question is fully addressed with partial support for answer. Question is partially addressed with partial support for your answer. Question is partially addressed without support for answer or question is not addressed.
4 Points 4 3 2 1 – 0
Relevance of Pledge to Your Practice Question is fully addressed with complete support for answer. Question is fully addressed with partial support for answer. Question is partially addressed with partial support for your answer. Question is partially addressed without support for answer or question is not addressed.
4 Points 4 3 2 1 – 0
3 Points

Writing contains 3 errors or less in spelling & grammar.

Writing contains 4 – 6 errors in spelling and grammar.

Writing contains 7-9 errors in spelling and grammar.

Writing contains 10 or more errors in spelling & grammar.

2016 Purdue University Northwest Page 1

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