Analyze the last 100 years of European history, explaining how Europe (and in many respects, the world itself) has turned out like it has in our current day.

Analyze the last 100 years of European history, explaining how Europe (and in many respects, the world itself) has turned out like it has in our current day. This is not some random, sprawling essay, no matter how it appears to you, nor is it merely a chronology of events. The essay MUST BE based on and around the “isms” which, as you know, is the centerpiece of this course. Modern-day events that could be useful for you in providing examples of the impact of the isms include North Korea issues, rising nationalism in Europe, Middle East issues (such as ISIS, Syrian civil war, Syrian refugee crisis), economic challenges in Southern Europe, Brexit and the EU, or Ukrainian issues with Russia (there are other examples). In the end, you will want to build an analysis that will show how all of our modern-day issues are built out of decisions and choices from the previous yearsin particular post-French Revolution and World War I. First, explain HOW the 10 “isms” from our class set up the experience of the 20th century. This analysis should at least touch on the impact of the French Revolution in creating the atmosphere for the “isms.” This should take you about 2 pages. Second, develop the analysis on the impact of these “isms” to our modern time. This is the bulk of the essay, 3-4 pages. This is where you should use events of the 20th century (things we studied) as well as modern day issues as parts of your analysis. Modern day issues from the past 10 years that connect well here include, but are not limited to: North Korean Crisis, Immigration crisis in Europe, ISIS, Israel-Palestine, European economic crisis, Brexit, Russia vs Ukraine, rise of China, war on terror, Middle East Islam issues (Turkey, Kurds, Iran, Saudi Arabia), world trade tensions. Third, write a conclusion that provides your view of the coming 25-50 years; how will the “isms” continue to haunt us or guide us. This will be at most a page, but could be done well in a developed paragraph.

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