Analyze the process of reimbursement for health care organizations.

November 15, 2019 Off All,

Introductory health care finance lecture plan

Write a 45-minute lecture plan for an introductory health care finance class. (You will not be evaluated on whether your lecture plan is actually 45 minutes in length.) The three types of revenue sources you will cover are the following:  Medicaid.  Medicare.  Managed Care. For each of the revenue sources, you must do the following:  Explain the purpose of the program.  Analyze the process of reimbursement for health care organizations. o What steps must be taken in order to receive reimbursement for services? o How complicated is each step? o What kind of information is required from the organization? o How long does it take to receive reimbursement?  Explain the benefits of the program for both patients and health care organizations. The length of this assessment will vary depending on the format you use. If your completed assessment is longer than eight pages, you may need to be more concise in your writing. If you have only two pages, you have probably not fully addressed all elements of the assessment. Please include a title page and reference page, even though you would not include those in real life. Additional Requirements  Include a title page and reference page.  Number of pages: Roughly 4–7.  At least three current scholarly or professional resources.  APA format for in-text citations and references only.  Times New Roman font, 12 point.  Double-spaced.

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