Apply what you have read about multi-generational group characteristics and talents, etc. and create a cohesive team to prepare a successful health fair.

approx. 250 words, in response to the question below. 1. Community Scenario: As a BSN graduate you have been identified by your community leaders as a person with great leadership and group process skills and knowledge. For an upcoming community health fair, you have been selected to be the leader. Your committe cosists of 10 memebers from the main multigenerational groups (2 traditionalists (veterans), 2 baby boomers, 3 Gen Xers, 3 generation Y (nexters, millennials). Apply what you have read about multi-generational group characteristics and talents, etc. and create a cohesive team to prepare a successful health fair. *the text book for this group processes class is A Systems Approach To SMALL GROUP INTERACTION by Stewart L. Tubbs

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