Articulate discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the papers/ articles. Excellent analysis of the similarities and differences between the arguments presented in the literature.

Literature Review

Please use current references from 2010 to 2016 and my required text should be part of the reference:
Haley, C. (Ed.) (2013). Pillitteri’s Child and family health nursing in Australia and New
Zealand. Sydney, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Pairman, S., Tracey, S., Thorogood, C. & Pincombe, J. (2010). Midwifery: Preparation for
practice. (2 ed.) Sydney, Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. 2000 words Essay. I need more journal articles with doi #
Assessment 4 provides you with an opportunity to examine in depth an area of interest directly related to pregnancy, birth and the family.
For this assignment you are required to undertake a comprehensive critique of the literature relating to relevant issues associated with pregnancy birth and the family. The review should critically discuss and summarise evidence on the topic of choice.
Ensure your chosen topic is broad enough to have a substantial amount of literature and not too narrow that the literature is limited. This topic is your choice; a few suggestions may include but are not limited to the following:

Substance use/ abuse in pregnancy
Medications in pregnancy and/ or breastfeeding
Pain relief in labour
Ante natal & Post natal anxiety and depression
Multiple pregnancies
Fathers’ role in parenting
Family/ health professional partnership models in peri-natal health care delivery
Childhood immunisation

When undertaking your literature critique you should ensure that the assignment is written in an essay format and that you:

Comprehensively review and critique the literature. This should include evidence of analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of a range of literature from peer reviewed articles that focus on clinical issues related to pregnancy, birth and the family.
Ensure in your discussion that you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the literature reviewed and critically analyse the literature by contrasting and comparing the arguments presented. It is important to identify and discuss similarities and differences in the views being expressed.
In your conclusion you should summarise the key points identified in your literature critique and comment on the impact of these on your practice and health care delivery in general. You should also identify gaps in existing research as well as opportunities for further research related to these.

The literature referred to is from contemporary, current and peer reviewed journals.

The literature referred to is relevant to the topic and showed scope and quality

Exceptional. Very well presented, clearly and concisely written. Comprehensive analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of relevant literature. Independent and original thought to bring the analysis to a logical conclusion.

Articulate discussion on the strengths and weaknesses of the papers/ articles. Excellent analysis of the similarities and differences between the arguments presented in the literature.

Essay demonstrates a logical, clear and concise approach to responses to assignment requirements and congruence of all elements of this response.

The follow site will give you some direction to follow for your literature review.

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