Based on everything that you have learned (through lectures, required readings, student presentations and independent research) about local government this semester, which of the three characterizations of local government is most appropriate?

At the beginning of the semester, I outlined three different ways to conceive local government. They can be seen as 1) merely service providers; 2) a tool of more senior levels of government, particularly the provinces, for satisfying their economic and fiscal interests; and 3) an important component of representative democracy. Based on everything that you have learned (through lectures, required readings, student presentations and independent research) about local government this semester, which of the three characterizations of local government is most appropriate? Paper format should be on Times New roman. The final exam consists of one essay question and is worth 20% of your final grade. You should provide a response in essay format of between 1,500 and 2,000 words for the question (

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