Briefly consider the challenges of introducing a small change in a healthcare settings Think about how you will get people ‘on board’ with your change proposal… (shared core values)

Music therapy twice weekly in a residential unit for dementia patients as a non-pharmacological treatment for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia.

Write a 4000 word piece, evidence based assignment proposing a planned small change in clinical nursing practice. Line Spacing: 1.5 • The work should demonstrate a planned approach to implementing a small scale change in nursing clinical practice. • This could include something you may have had experience of and think could be done differently or improved; or something you have read about and think could be taken back to practice and implemented with a team. • Your proposed change should be realistic and achievable in your chosen healthcare setting. You should include: A clear, convincing and robust rationale for your proposed change. This should be written in a persuasive, academic style. Imagine you are writing this proposal for your clinical work colleagues (your audience) and think about how you might persuade them to change an aspect of practice. You may wish to approach this task as if you were writing a proposal for the manager of the clinical area. What is required: An understanding of the concept of change in today’s healthcare setting, including potential barriers to change. Analyse the professional and organisational issues that influence team working, leadership and change management in clinical setting. Evaluate the professional, legal and moral principles which underpin safe, accountable and autonomous practice. Demonstrate understanding and analysis of key models/ theories of change management. With a clear rationale for your choice, choose one of these models/ theories and apply the model to your proposed change. You can apply any model but you may wish to consider one of the models/processes specifically designed and commonly used such as PDSA. A clear, comprehensive action plan demonstrating how your change will be implemented in practice should be included within the piece. This should include amongst other things time frame and evaluation. Any Action Plan template for this can be used but it should also depend on your proposed change. Additional Information You may wish to utilise headings to structure your work. This is not necessary. The action plan should be incorporated in the main body of the essay; it should be concise but not overly long. ASSIGNMENT GUIDE: Come up with an idea for a change that is ‘small scale’ and hence realistic and achievable in the context of the setting you have in mind. TITLE: Simple and informative. Sign-post area of practice being considered TITLE PROPOSED Music therapy twice weekly in a residential unit for dementia patients as a non-pharmacological treatment for behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia. Introduction: Provide a brief outline of what is to follow. Include a statement of the broad aim of the proposal, provide the reader with a sense of what it is you are hoping to achieve through the proposed change. Define any key ‘technical’ terms BACKGROUND: Explanation of the ‘current state’ and why it has to change, what makes it unacceptable? Make the case for the proposed change:  State exactly what it is you propose to do  Set out how the change you have described will improve the situation  What are the anticipated benefits? Who are the beneficiaries?  Try to link the change to the 3 elements of quality i.e. Safe, effective, positive patient experience  Do all of this with reference to the literature & underpinning evidence base CONTEXT: Briefly consider the challenges of introducing a small change in a healthcare settings Think about how you will get people ‘on board’ with your change proposal… (shared core values) Discuss the issues that may need to be addressed in order to successfully introduce your proposed change e.g. likely barriers – staff resistance, leadership, team dynamics, threat to status, costs etc… Consider any professional, ethical, or legal aspects of the proposed change. Are there any question regarding the safety (patients & staff) of your proposal? Change Theory/Tool  Outline your chosen change model.  Provide a clear rationale for your choice which demonstrates that you understand the relative strengths and weaknesses of 2 or 3 alternatives IMPLEMENTATION: How would you deliver the change? Successful change invariably results from a logical series of actions. Set out the process you would go through? Do you need to break the change down into several manageable steps or milestones? It is in this section that you need to include your ‘action’ or project plan e.g. a Gantt chart (PTO), or something similar. EVALUATION: How will you judge the success of the project? How will you know if the change has brought about an improvement? What could you measure? Would you need to establish a baseline before you started the change? CONCLUSION: Brief summary of why the proposed change is worthwhile, re-emphasise main benefits

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