Briefly describe the child’s demeanor and behavior (e.g. how they act, move, express self) (2 pts)



Prompt: To complete your case study project, you will need to observe a child, ideally under three years old. Older is okay, but not too much older. Canvas friends, neighbors and relatives to find one. If you cannot identify a child to observe, contact us for assistance. Submit final integrated case summary to instructors in the last lesson module, as well as posting it (and read and respond to a classmate’s paper) on your Lesson 10 neighborhood forum. The final case study should be a polished written report (based on your weekly drafts) that is 5-6 PAGES long (double-spaced). PART I: WHO IS THIS CHILD? (10 POINTS) Observe a child for at least 20 minutes. Using non-identifying information, describe the child. Help us to “see” this particular child based on your description. 1)Tell us this child’s age, gender, and what they look like (2 pts) 2)Briefly describe the child’s demeanor and behavior (e.g. how they act, move, express self) (2 pts) 3)Choose 3 words or phrases to express your initial impression of this child. (2 pts) 4)Share what you know (or wonder) about the child’s prenatal development. (2 pts) 5)Convey what you know (or wonder) about milestones reached, such as sitting up, crawling, walking, and talking, and whether these were early, on time, or delayed. (2 pts) NOTE: You may not know any of this information. If you do not, wonder about possible details of this child’s early life. What do you wonder? Why? What did you observe that sparked your questions? PART II: WHO IS THIS CHILD IN THEIR BODY? (6 POINTS) Refer to content in Lesson 3 as a guide to … 1)Describe this child in terms of his/her individual constitutional differences (e.g., sensory profile and temperament). (2 pts) 2)Discuss briefly how these individual qualities might influence her/his relationships with others, especially a primary caregiver (parent or teacher). (2 pts) 3)Compare this child’s sensory profile with your own. How are you similar or different? How do you think this might influence your relationship with him or her? (2 pts) PART III: WHO IS THIS CHILD IN RELATIONSHIPS? (8 POINTS) Observe this child with a caregiver for at least 10-15 minutes. Watch the Circle of Security video. Think about secure base and safe haven behavior. 1)Tell us what you know, briefly, about this child’s “family constellation”: who is close to this child and a part of their daily life? (2 pts) 2)Describe what you notice about your case study child on both sides of the Circle of Security with a primary caregiver (parent and/or teacher). (2 pts) 3)Comment on what may be challenging for this child and/or caregiver on the “circle of security.” Are there stresses or sources of risk you wonder about? (2 pts) 4)Comment on what may be protective for this child based on observation and “wondering” about his or her experience and relationships on the circle of security. (2 pts) PART IV: SUPPORT FOR THIS CHILD AND CAREGIVER (8 POINTS) Using an infant mental health lens, discuss a relationship-based strategy or program from Lesson 7 to support this child in contexts of family and a care setting. 1)Identify a specific program or strategy discussed (vs. just being “reflective”) and briefly, how it works. (2 pts) 2)Describe why you selected this one, what the goal might be, and who would ideally use the approach or strategy with this child and/or family. (2 pts) 3)What do you think might be easy or challenging about this process for the child, the caregiver, and the person providing the support? (2 pts) 4)Is this approach similar or different from what you might have recommended in the past? How? (2 pts) PART V: REFLECTIVE PRACTICE (8 POINTS) Describe how it felt for you to be with and observe this child and caregiver, and what you noticed about your inner experience, feelings and thoughts. 1)Describe your response to being with this child and caregiver. For example, what did you find yourself wanting to do (the “press”)? What questions, judgments, and/or reflexive patterns came up? (2 pts) 2)Comment on what would challenge you about being and working with this child or family. (2 pts) 3)What kind of support would help you work with this child and family?(2 pts) 4)What are you still curious about regarding this child and family? (or yourself?) (2 pts) PART VI: PROFESSIONALISM (10 POINTS) 1)Paper is submitted on time, in accordance with length and spacing guidelines. (4 points) 2)Paper is written with a clear, reflective, curious, open and non-judgmental voice (e.g. in describing the child and caregivers, presenting concerns, etc.). (4 points) 3)Clearly communicate how you protect child/family’s privacy (no real names, photos, or identifying information used). (1 point) 4)Where information is not known, curiosity is shown/questions are posed about missing information. (1 point)

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