Can American Indians and Alaska Natives be adequately understood apart from a context of historical trauma?
Traditional American Indian values are at odds with many of those of the mainstream U.S. population. Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages for American Indians of being raised in a traditional, assimilated, and bicultural family. Can American Indians and Alaska Natives be adequately understood apart from a context of historical trauma? Does historical trauma affect the way American Indians and Alaska Native currently live? Is racial identity development the same for monoracial and (bi)multiracial individuals? If yes, how so? If not, how might it differ? How did the experience of the detention camps affect a change in the Japanese American community in terms of change of power and traditions? Discuss why there is a positive correlation between ethnic and racial diversity in an organization and African American employee trust in that organization. Why, when America was at war with Italy, Germany, and Japan, did the U.S. government forcibly round up and send only Japanese Americans to detention camps? The U.S. government took American Indian children from their families to live in, and be educated at boarding schools. Discuss the pros and cons, if any, of this practice. Discuss the distinctive characteristics of African American cultures. A to B+ level answer * used APA primary and/or secondary source(s) and reference(s) * answered the question in its entirety + could have included additional evidence/support (primary sources only) + proofread to avoid grammatical and/or typographical errors Essay responses must have introduction statements, a response to the exam question(s), supporting details, and a conclusion statement. Essay responses involve a paragraph or two Start with your course materials, including your primary textbook Include at least one outside source citation, outside of your textbook, for each question Only professional, peer-reviewed journal articles should be used as source material Be sure to properly cite work and words that are not yours. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the final as this is considered plagiarism. APA format is required Responses may not contain quoted material. All responses should be paraphrased and written in your own words with appropriate parenthetical citation