Can genetically modified organisms harm our health?

Our GI and GMOs What are your thoughts? Can genetically modified organisms harm our health? Please read the article, and write your reflection. December 2013 Issue Can GMOs Harm Digestive Health? A Controversial Animal Study Suggests GMOs May Cause Stomach Inflammation By David Yeager Todays Dietitian Vol. 15 No. 12 P. 12 Follow the rubric and read the article at Our GI and GMOs What are your thoughts? Can genetically modified organisms harm our health? Please read the article, and write your reflection. December 2013 Issue Can GMOs Harm Digestive Health? A Controversial Animal Study Suggests GMOs May Cause Stomach Inflammation By David Yeager Todays Dietitian Vol. 15 No. 12 P. 12 Follow the rubric and read the article at

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