Carry out a formal research analysis project related to an organization (preferably familiar to the student researcher) and justified with a thorough literature review
(1)Carry out a formal research analysis project related to an organization (preferably familiar to the student researcher) and justified with a thorough literature review; (2)Collect and analyze empirical data to produce substantive results that are relevant to public administration by using appropriate methodology; or to analyze, synthesize, and apply learning from several courses by relating concepts to the functioning of ongoing organizations for problem-solving with critical thinking and informed decision-making; and (3) Communicate in writing and a detailed and well-researched graduate capstone paper. ALSO The following evaluation rubrics will be used to assess your research analysis paper: Coverage of the research and theoretical literature and use of relevant and reliable sources; Problem identification (specification of research questions and hypotheses with justification); Understanding and use of methodology; of data and/or quality of analysis; synthesis, and further discussion; and (organization of materials and structure of the paper, clarity of thinking, use of expression, etc.). Textbooks Used PAA 606 (Research Methods for Public Administrators): Neuman, Lawrence W. (2012). Basics of Social Research: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 3rd Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education. Or: Chen, Sheying (2004). Research Methods: Step by Step. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing (chapters will be made available online free of charge for this class only). Or: Your class textbooks(all your PAA606 learning materials including literature review writing guides will be helpful.) PAA 601 (Public Administration & Its Environment): Denhardt, R.B., Denhardt, J.V., &Blanc, T.A. (2014). Public Administration: An Action Orientation. 7th Ed. Boston, MA: Wadsworth. Or: Shafritz, Jay M., & Hyde, Albert C. (2017). Classics of Public Administration, 8th Ed. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning/Wadsworth Publishing. Or: Your class textbook. PAA 602 (Organization Theory and Management): Shafritz, Jay, Ott, J. Steven,& Yonsei, Yong Suk Jang (2016). Classics of Organization Theory, 8th Ed. Florence, KY: Cengage Learning/Wadsworth Publishing. ISBN-10: 1285870271 | ISBN-13: 9781285870274. Or: Your class textbook.PAA 603 (Economics): Stiglitz, J.E. & Rosengard, J.K. (2015) Economics of the Public Sector, 4th Ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Or: Auerbach, Alan J., Chetty, Raj, Feldstein, Martin, & Saez, Emmanuel(2018),Handbook of -6-Public Economics. New York, NY: Elsevier B.V.ISSN 1573-4420. Or: Your class textbook. PAA 604 (Budgeting and Financial Analysis): Lee Jr., R. D., Johnson, R. W., & Joyce, P. G.(2013). Public Budgeting Systems, 9th Ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Or: Finkler, Steven A., Smith, Daniel L., Calabrese, Thad, & Purtell, Robert M. (2016). Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations, 5th Edition. CQ Press, ISBN-13: 9781506326863.