Choose a Chronic Health Problem for Adults and write a complete Standardized Procedure
Access CA BRN Website: NP standardized Procedures Choose a Chronic Health Problem for Adults and write a complete Standardized Procedure. Follow guidelines per California Board Registered Nursing examples. Please choose one of these Problems Dementia Diabetes I have included a sample paper that the instructor provided. o Paper must not contain the same wording as sample paper, it is only an example. (You do not have to include the signature page provided on page 10) You may use as many references as you need in APA format. o References must be within from within the last 5 years. Please review the document titled (AN EXPLANATION OF STANDARDIZED PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS FOR NURSE PRACTITIONER PRACTICE) this document is the file you see on the CA BRN Website: NP standardized Procedures The Standardized Procedures are based on California Nursing Boards Regulations