Choose one option below and prepare two maps (in one file) using the Advanced Reasoning template with the following elements

Choose one option below and prepare two maps (in one file) using the Advanced Reasoning template with the following elements:
A main claim as the contention of the map;
Supporting evidence for that claim as reasons and co-premises;
The basis or bases for each final node of the map, that is for a premise and co-premise that does not have more supporting material.
If you think you can link the two contentions using a bridging contention operating at the chapter-level, feel free to do so.
“They’ve Got Personality” (Chapter 15) discusses a number of animal experiments and naturalistic studies (studies of various species in their habitats) and then proceeds to make claims about human behavior. Represent two claims that make specific reference to human behavior. Using the categories discussed and elaborated in our Rationale lessons about claims and their bases, what are the bases of each claim?

“Winged Minds” (Chapter 20) makes connections between “human morality and religion [and] social insects” (144). Discuss how insect colonies function, and why Wilson considers them organisms. Represent two claims that make specific reference to the “group minds” of insect colonies. Using the categories discussed and elaborated in our Rationale lessons about claims and their bases, what are the bases of each claim?

How does Wilson account for our egalitarian ideas as a species in “The Egalitarian Ape” (Chapter 21)? How does he link evolution with human cooperation? In what ways do egalitarian humans make sure that cooperation works for most members of the “group organism”? Represent two claims that make specific reference to human behavior. Using the categories discussed and elaborated in our Rationale lessons about claims and their bases, what are the bases of each claim?

“Across the Cooperation Divide” (Chapter 22) discusses how “human mentality is fundamentally predicated upon sharing” (170). What does this mean? What have we learned about our minds from studying the behavior of dogs and wolves? Represent two claims that make specific reference to teamwork. Using the categories discussed and elaborated in our Rationale lesson about claims and their bases, what are the bases of each claim? Given these bases, do you find the evidence supporting the claim valid?

How does Wilson account for the emergence of laughter among humans? How does he connect laughter and evolution? Represent two claims from “The First Laugh” (Chapter 23). Using the categories discussed and elaborated in our Rationale lesson about claims and their bases, what are the bases of each claim?

An example AM5 is available as a PDF below. It is based on Natalie Angier’s interview with Geoffrey Miller in Aims of Argument, not on any of Wilson’s materials.
When you are ready, save your file and name it after yourself and the assignment (in a manner similar to ‘Patthey-AM5.pdf’) and submit it.

Deadline: For full credit and comments, complete the assignment and submit a PDF file named after yourself and the assignment by 23:55 June 27.
24-hour penalty-free grace period, but late maps receive no comments. After the grace period, you can still submit with a 10% late penalty. Email the map directly to

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